MVME340 Vme总线控制器模块
*摩托罗拉MC68020RC20E, 20mhz处理器
*(2) 9针前面板串口
部件编号:01-W3440B13D, 01-W3440B13E, 01-W3440B07C
外形尺寸:263 × 58 × 28mm
在摩托罗拉68020处理器的VAX/VMS上,对三个交叉编译器进行了评估。为了实时测量系统的响应,我们在一个带有函数发生器和示波器的环境中,建立了一个由MVME133处理器和MVME340数字卡组成的VME系统。编译器提供运行时内核。可以将Ada用于实时应用程序,通过对accept语句的优化,任务切换时间可以降低到15 – 20g的量级。
艾达在过去几年里变化很大。在该语言成为ANS I标准后不久,只有少数几个编译器可用,而且它们只能用来编译有限的一组程序。我们从嵌套的泛型包和tk类型开始,只是发现一些经过验证的编译器只对测试套件有效。使用这些有限的编译器的情况是,要花费大量时间找出编译器在编译时或运行时失败的时间和原因。
那时,Ada可以在许多应用程序中取代大多数其他语言。该语言主要是为实时应用特别是嵌入式系统设计的。Ada编译器的最新发展是为功能强大的微型计算机(如Motorola 680×0系列、Intel 80X86和National 32X32)提供交叉编译器。希望将来会有更小的微处理器的编译器。在一个项目中,为了将Ada软件分发到一个松散耦合的多计算系统中,我们将使用三个独立的VME系统,分别带有cpu、内存和以太网端口。整个系统将用Ada编程,因此选择一个支持低级编程并允许有效映射硬件中断的cpu板和编译器是必要的。
已经测试的三个交叉编译器是来自alsysl21的Alsycomp_011,来自Telesoft/TeIeLOGIC的System Designers Ada-Plus版本3A .00 /3/和TeleGen2 /4/。从VAX/VMS到摩托罗拉68000的交叉编译器没有在这里测试,可以从Verdix和Tartan获得。软件工具和开发支持
MVME340 Vme总线控制器模块
*1 trillion DRAM
* MOTOROLA MC68020RC20E,20 MHZ processor
*(2) 9-pin front panel serial port
Part Number(s): 01-W3440B13D, 01-W3440B13E, 01-W3440B07C
Estimated Shipping Size
Dimensions: 263 × 58 × 28mm
Weight:.4.3 kg
Country of Origin: United States of America
Three cross compilers hosted on a VAX/VMS for the Motorola 68020 processor hav e been evaluated . The target machine, a VME system with a MVME133 processor car d and a MVME340 digital i0-card, has been set up in an environment with a function generator and an oscilloscope in order to measure the real time response . The compilers supply the run time kernel . It is possible to use Ada for real time applications , with the use of optimization of accept statements task switch times can come down t o the order of 15 – 20 gs .
Ada has evolved drastically the last years . Soon after the language became an ANS I standard, only a few compilers were available and they could only be used to compil e a limited set of programs . We started out with nested generic packages and tas k types, only to find that some validated compilers were valid only for the test suite . The situation using these limited compilers was to spend a lot of time finding out wher e and why the compiler failed, either at compile or at run time .
The next step in the evolution came with what can be called production compilers for numeric and data handling programs . These compilers could replace most of th e existing Pascal and FORTRAN compilers . Tasking could be used for moderate tim e critical applications . Still the target machines were the same as the host, such as th e VAX . Several users and companies could now start to learn the language and start t o develop tools .
At that time Ada could replace most other languages for many applications . Th e language was primarily designed for real time applications and especially fo r embedded systems . The latest development in Ada compilers are cross compilers fo r quite powerful microcomputers like the Motorola 680X0-family, Intel 80X86 and National 32X32 . Hopefully there will be compilers for smaller micros in the future . In a project, aiming at distributing Ada software to a loosely coupled multi compute r system, three independent VME systems, with cpu, memory and Ethernet port, will b e used/1/ . The whole system will be programmed in Ada and it is therefore essential to choose a cpu-board and a compiler that supports low level programming and allow s an efficient mapping of hardware interrupts .
The three cross compilers that have been tested are the Alsycomp_011 from Alsysl2l , the System Designers Ada-Plus version 3A .00 /3/ and TeleGen2 /4/ fro m Telesoft/TeIeLOGIC . Cross compilers from VAX/VMS to Motorola 68000 not teste d here are available from Verdix and Tartan . Software tools and development support
The environment support is good enough for program development . There are , however, problems when the hardware and software do not match . If spuriou s interrupts occur, the system may hang, making it impossible to restart the program o r even get to the kernel . The kernel was downloaded into the target prior to the loadin g of the compiled and linked code . There is, of course, the possibility to use EPROM s for the kernel . During this evaluation, it was most convenient to download the kernel .
The environment is essential when developing programs on one computer to be run o n a separate target . However, the tests described in this article did not require an y debugging .
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