VMIVME-7589 单槽奔腾处理器
强大的PC/AT功能仅占用一个VMEbus 6U插槽
奔腾CPU 166、200和233 MHz版本
64位PCI SVGA控制器,芾2 Mbyte SGRAM
基于GE Fanuc / VMIC VMIVME-7589 / 7589A单槽奔腾处理器的VMEbus CPU为VMEbus带来了英特尔奔腾MMX处理器的强大功能,提供166至233 MHz的处理器速度。奔腾处理器有32位寻址和64位数据总线。它的超标量体系结构包括两个流水线整数单元和一个流水线浮点单元,允许每个时钟周期执行两个指令。动态分支预测单元以及独立的指令和数据缓存也提高了奔腾处理器的性能。
VMIVME-7589 单槽奔腾处理器
Powerful PC/AT features occupy only one VMEbus 6U slot
Pentium CPU 166, 200, and 233 MHz versions
8mb bootable flash on secondary IDE
32 kilobyte battery supported SRAM
Up to 128 megabytes of SDRAM with 168-pin DIMMs
64-bit PCI SVGA controller, Fu 2 Mbyte SGRAM
Onboard fast Ethernet controller with 10BaseT and 100BaseTX interfaces
Includes byte exchange hardware for both small-endian and big-endian data interfaces
PS/2 keyboard and mouse ports on the front panel
The VMEbus CPU based on the GE Fanuc/VMIC VMIVME-7589/7589A single-slot Pentium processor brings the power of the Intel Pentium MMX processor to the VMEbus, offering 166 to 100
233 MHz processor speed. Pentium processors have 32-bit addressing and 64-bit data buses. Its superscalar architecture consists of two pipelined integer units and one pipelined floating-point unit, allowing each
The clock cycle executes two instructions. Dynamic branch prediction units and separate instruction and data caches also improve the performance of Pentium processors.
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