REU610CVVHCNN 电压保护继电器

REU610CVVHCNN 是一种电压保护继电器,用于公用事业和工业电力系统的系统电压保护,测量和监督。REU610CVVHCNN 是ABB的Relion®保护和控制产品家族的成员,也是其610产品系列的一部分。610系列包括继电器保护馈线保护,电机保护和一般系统电压监督。610系列保护继电器的插件设计便于开关设备的调试,并能够快速安全地插入和拔出继电器插件单元。

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REU610CVVHCNN 电压保护继电器

1. REU610CVVHCNN 是一种电压保护继电器,用于公用事业和工业电力系统的系统电压保护,测量和监督。REU610CVVHCNN 是ABB的Relion®保护和控制产品家族的成员,也是其610产品系列的一部分。610系列包括继电器保护馈线保护,电机保护和一般系统电压监督。610系列保护继电器的插件设计便于开关设备的调试,并能够快速安全地插入和拔出继电器插件单元。


610系列数字电压保护继电器支持广泛的标准通信协议,其中包括IEC 61850, IEC 60870-5-103, DNP3, Modbus,Profibus, LON和SPA通信协议。

REU610CVVHCNN 电压保护继电器

1. DescriptionREU610CVVHCNN is a voltage protection relay for system voltageprotection, measuring and supervising in utility and industrialpower systems. REU610CVVHCNN is a member of ABB’s Relion®protection and control product family and part of its 610product series. The 610 series includes protection relays forfeeder protection, motor protection and general system voltagesupervision. The plug-in design of the 610 series protectionrelays facilitates the commissioning of the switchgear andenables fast and safe insertion and withdrawal of relay plug-inunits.

The protection relay is primarily designed for the overvoltageprotection of power system components, such as busbars,feeders, power transformers and capacitor batteries. It is alsoused for the general power system earth-fault supervision. Further, the protection relay can be used for undervoltageprotection of motors and overvoltage protection of capacitorbatteries, for initialization of automatic busbar changeover anddisconnecting small power units from the network in case of amajor network disturbance. The 610 series protection relaysare suitable for employment in marine and offshoreenvironments.

The numerical voltage protection relays of the 610 seriessupport a wide range of standard communication protocols,among them the IEC 61850, IEC 60870-5-103, DNP3, Modbus,Profibus, LON and SPA communication protocols.


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