RET615J 变压器保护与控制
基本细节: RET615 HBTABABAABB1BBN1XC珏器保护与控制
现成的标准配置-匹配最 常用的向量组-通过定制功能实现快速、轻松的设置
RET615J 变压器保护与控制
Basic details: RET615 HBTABABAABB1BBN1XC Juicer protection and control
The RET615 is a specialized transformer protection and control relay for the protection, control, measurement and monitoring of power transformers, unit transformers and boost transformers, including generator transformer sets, in utility and industrial distribution systems.
Protection of double-winding power transformers, including differential protection Production benefits A compact multi-functional solution for utility and industrial distribution systems that integrates protection, control, monitoring and supervision in a single relay.
A wide range of protection and control features for double-winding power transformers, including advanced, fast differential protection with high surge stability.
Off-the-shelf standard configurations – matching the most commonly used vector groups – enable quick and easy setup with custom features
Withdrawable plug-in unit for quick installation and testing.
The large graphic display displays customizable SLD that can be accessed locally or through an easy-to-use Web browser-based HMI
Wide range of life cycle services
IC200PWR002 GE电源模块 | HDS02.2-W040N-HS12-01-FW力士乐驱动器控制器 |
VE4035S2B1德尔塔v模拟输出卡 | hds3.3.2 – w100n – hs32 -01- fw力士乐驱动器控制器 |
CE4003S2B9艾默生4线I/O终端模块 | hds3.3.2 – w100n – ht01 -01- fw力士乐驱动器控制器 |
3500/53电子超速检测系统 | HDS04.2-W200N-HT01-01-FW力士乐驱动器控制器 |
FDPI-02 ABB诊断和面板接口 | HDS04.2-W200N-HS32-01-FW力士乐驱动器控制器 |
TU508-ETH 1SAP214000R0001 ABB接口端子单元 | HDS05.2-W300N-HT46-01-FW力士乐驱动器控制器 |
WS-C2960X-48TS-LL思科2960-X和2960-XR系列交换机 | 140no78000施耐德以太网DIO网络模块 |
TU582-S 1SAP281200R0001 ABB I/O端子单元 | 1756-OF6CI艾伦-布拉德利隔离模拟输出模块与电流回路 |
DX581-S 1SAP284100R0001安全数字输入/输出模块ABB | MPL- b890c – mj74aa艾伦布拉德利MPL系列低惯量旋转伺服电机 |
DO524 1SAP240700R0001 ABB数字输出模块 | Allen-Bradley双轴Kinetix伺服驱动器 |
TU516 1SAP212000R0001 ABB I/O端子单元 | 1769-IF4XOF2艾伦布拉德利紧凑型I/O模块 |