RER-107 光纤 SMX 收发器

RER 107 收发器模块充当 PCLTA(PC Lon Talk ®适配器)卡和光纤 LONWORKS ®网络之间的接口单元。它将来自 PCLTA 卡的数据信号转换为光纤信号,反之亦然。收发器模块插在PCLTA卡的SMX连接器上,其设计符合LONMARK标准。收发器模块由 PCLTA 卡供电。

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RER-107 光纤 SMX 收发器

PC Lon Talk 适配器卡和光纤 LONWORKS 网络之间的接口单元

RER 107 收发器模块充当 PCLTA(PC Lon Talk ®适配器)卡和光纤 LONWORKS ®网络之间的接口单元。它将来自 PCLTA 卡的数据信号转换为光纤信号,反之亦然。收发器模块插在PCLTA卡的SMX连接器上,其设计符合LONMARK标准。收发器模块由 PCLTA 卡供电。
收发器模块可以连接到玻璃光纤或塑料光纤 LONWORKS 网络,通信速率为 1.25 Mbits/s。支持碰撞检测。当从 PCLTA 传输数据时从光纤电缆接收到消息时,就会检测到冲突。收发器模块有一个 LED,每次从光纤电缆接收到消息时该 LED 都会闪烁。


  • PCLTA(PC Lon Talk® 适配器)卡和光纤 LONWORKS® 网络之间的接口单元


  • 通过光纤进行快速通信


  • 将 PCLTA 卡的数据信号转换为光纤信号
  • 玻璃光纤或塑料光纤的变体

RER-107 光纤 SMX 收发器

The interface unit between the PC Lon Talk adapter card and the fiber LONWORKS network
The RER 107 transceiver module acts as the interface unit between the PCLTA (PC Lon Talk ® Adapter) card and the fiber optic LONWORKS ® network. It converts the data signal from the PCLTA card into a fiber optic signal and vice versa. The transceiver module plugs into the SMX connector of the PCLTA card and is designed to meet LONMARK standards. The transceiver module is powered by the PCLTA card.

The transceiver module can be connected to the glass fiber or plastic fiber LONWORKS network with a communication rate of 1.25 Mbits/s. Supports collision detection. A conflict is detected when a message is received from a fiber optic cable while transmitting data from the PCLTA. The transceiver module has an LED that blinks every time a message is received from the fiber optic cable.

Interface unit between PCLTA (PC Lon Talk® Adapter) card and fiber optic LONWORKS® network

Product advantage
Fast communication via optical fiber

Product characteristics
The data signal of the PCLTA card is converted into an optical fiber signal
Variant of glass fiber or plastic fiber


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