MVME400 双通道RS232C通讯模块
部件编号:01W3123B01, 64-W4990B01, 01-W3432B01
这个摩托罗拉MVME400双通道RS232C通信模块有两个I/O通道。两个通道都是全双工的。软件和跳线选择使同步-异步波特率50至19.2 d -bit作为终端或调制解调器。
DSP是一个I/O通道兼容双RS-232C串行接口模块。”!该模块符合单宽VME板外形因素,并通过单个64针DIN 41612标准连接器连接到I/O通道;然而,由于前面板较宽,DSP占用了两个模块卡槽。DSP用于扩展I/O通道主机的资源,以包括一个或两个额外的RS-232C串行数据端口。
使用NEC7201串行控制器提供多协议功能(异步、双同步、HOLC和SDLC)。除了时钟和数据线外,还提供~dem输出控制线(RTS, CTS, DTR, DCD, DSR和RI)。前面板FAIL LED指示灯用于指示模块故障。
MVME400 双通道RS232C通讯模块
This Motorola MVME400 Dual Channel RS232C Communications Module is used and in excellent condition.
Part Number: 01W3123B01, 64-W4990B01, 01-W3432B01
Product Family: 7010-01-225-3916, 7010012253916
Two I/O Channels
Full Duplex
Selectable Jumpers
This Motorola MVME400 Dual Channel RS232C Communications Module has two I/O channels. Both channels are full duplex. Software and jumper selection enables sync-async baud rates of 50 to 19.2D-bits as a terminal or modem.
The DSP is an I/O Olannel-compatible dual RS-232C serial interface module. ‘! his module conforms to the sing1e-wide VME board form factor and interfaces to the I/O Channel with a single 64-pin DIN 41612 standard connector; however, because of the wide front panel, the DSP occupies two module card slots. 1he DSP is used to expand the resources of an I/O Channel master to include one or two additional RS-232C serial data ports.
An NEC7201 serial controller is used to provide multiprotocol capabilities (asynchronous, bisynchronous, HOLC, and SDLC). ~dem output control lines (RTS, CTS, DTR, DCD, DSR, and RI) are provided, in addition to the clock and data lines. A front panel FAIL LED indicator is used to indicate a module malfWlction.
The user must provide a connector-compatible I/O Channel backplane or ribbon cable to connect the DSP to the I/O Olannel master. Refer to the I/O Olannel Specification Manual, ~torola publication number M68RIOCS, for interfacing and backplane information. 1he user must also provide the RS-232C cables to connect the DSP (via front panel connectors) to the terminal/modem devices.
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