MVME330 VME 以太网控制器


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MVME330 VME 以太网控制器

MVME330 VME以太网控制器摩托罗拉
模型(s): MVME330
外形尺寸:263 × 58 × 28mm

MVME330的特点包括10mhz MC68000微处理器单元(MPU)。
•128K字节双访问RAM与奇偶校验和无等待状态。32k字节。erom(2个套接字)。VMEbus (IEEE P1014) A24:D16主从接口,用于主机到MVME330的通信。
•节点地址PROM包含一个由施乐公司(Xerox Corp.)发布的uninue地址。2ms定时器中断MPU,用于协议软件定时器。

1 -。采用PIA(外设侧带缓冲区)实现两个并行数据端口。除了具有I/O通道接口外,每个PIA还能够驱动最多两条I/O通道中断线。
前面板FAIL LED指示灯用于指示模块故障。用户必须提供一个连接器兼容的I/O通道背板或带状电缆,用于DPP连接到I/O通道主机。参考I/O通道规范手册,~torola出版号M68RIOCS,了解接口和背板信息。用户还必须提供兼容的DPP连接电缆(通过前面板连接器)到外围设备。

MVME330 VME 以太网控制器

MVME330 VME Ethernet Controller MOTOROLA
Manufacturers :MOTOROLA
Model(s)  :MVME330
Additional Information :VME Ethernet Controller
Estimated Shipping Size
Dimensions: 263 × 58 × 28mm
Weight:.4.3 kg
Country of Origin: United States of America

Products Description
The feRtures of the MVME330 incLudet 10 MHz MC68000 Microprocessor Unit (MPU).
• 128K -byte dual -access RAM with parity and no wait states. 32K-byte .EROM (2 sockets). VMEbus (IEEE P1014) A24:D16 master and slave interface for host to MVME330 communications.
• Node address PROM contains a uninue address issued by Xerox Corp. 2ms timer interrupts the MPU for protocol software timinS.
• Local Area Network Controller for Ethernet (LANCE). Descriptor rins buffer manaSement Direct Memory Access (DMA) to local RAM Line access protocol (CSMA/CD) Extensive diasnostics and error reportins to MPU Serial Interface Adaptor (SIA),.
– Manchester eneodinS/decodinS
– Transceiver cable interface VMEbos renuester, VMEbus irterruPter with ProSrammable vector. VMEbus Lo onboard processor interrupter.

The DPP is an I/O Channel-compatible dual printer interface module. ‘Ihis module confonns to the single-wide VME board fonn factor and connects to the I/O Channel with a 64-pin DIN standard connector. ‘Ihe DPP is used to expand the resources of an I/O Channel master to include two printer interfaces, one printer interface and a general-purpose 16-bit parallel data I/O port, or two general-purpose 16-bit parallel data I/O ports.

‘1-.o PIA’s (with buffers on their peripheral sides) are employed to implement the two parallel data ports. In addition to having an I/O Channel interface, each of the PIA’s is capable of driving up to two of the I/O Channel interrupt lines.

A front panel FAIL LED indicator is provided to indicate a module malfunction. The user must provide a connector-compatible I/O Channel backplane or ribbon cable for DPP connection to the I/O Channel master. Refer to the I/O Channel Specification Manual, ~torola publication number M68RIOCS, for interfacing and backplane information. ‘Ihe user must also provide compatible cables for DPP connection (via front panel connectors) to peripheral devices.


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