MVME316 VMEbus 至 I/O 通道接口模块
这个摩托罗拉MVME316 VMEbus到I/O通道接口模块是使用和良好的条件。
摩托罗拉MVME316 VMEbus到I/O通道接口模块是一个VMEbus到I/O通道接口模块,用于转换地址和中断;并在VMEbus和I/O通道之间缓冲数据。该模块将I/O通道配置为仅由VMEbus主机访问的全局资源。
以下出版物适用于摩托罗拉68K CISC CPU调试包,并可能提供额外的有用信息。如果没有发货本产品,他们可以通过联系您当地的摩托罗拉销售办事处购买。非摩托罗拉文件可以从下表列出的来源获得。
MVME316 VMEbus 至 I/O 通道接口模块
This Motorola MVME316 VMEbus to I/O Channel Interface Module is used and in excellent condition.
Part Number: 01-W3336B01
Products Description
Single-Slot VME Module
Fail and Run LED Indicators
Translates Addresses and Interrupts
Buffers Data
The Motorola MVME316 VMEbus to I/O Channel Interface Module is a VMEbus to I/O Channel Interface Module that translates addresses and interrupts; and buffers data between the VMEbus and I/O Channel. The module configures the I/O channel as a global resource that is accessible by only VMEbus master.
The following publications are applicable to Motorola 68K CISC CPU debuggingpackages and may provide additional helpful information. If not shipped with thisproduct, they may be purchased by contacting your local Motorola sales office. Non-Motorola documents may be obtained from the sources listed following thetable.
The computer programs stored in the Read Only Memory of this device containmaterial copyrighted by Motorola Inc., 1995, and may be used only under a licensesuch as those contained in Motorola’s software licenses. The software described herein and the documentation appearing herein arefurnished under a license agreement and may be used and/or disclosed only inaccordance with the terms of the agreement.
The software and documentation are copyrighted materials. Making unauthorizedcopies is prohibited by law. No part of the software or documentation may bereproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translatedinto any language or computer language, in any form or by any means without theprior written permission of Motorola, Inc.
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