MVME1603 带有 MVME1600-001 基板、66 MHz、16 MB RAM 的 SBC

艾默生/摩托罗拉MVME1603 / MVME1604系列单板计算机(SBC)是配备PowerPC系列微处理器的双高VMEmodule。MVME1603配备了PowerPC 603微处理器;MVME1604有一个PowerPC 604微处理器。

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MVME1603 带有 MVME1600-001 基板、66 MHz、16 MB RAM 的 SBC



•66 MHz XPC603微处理器
•16mb DRAM

部件编号:01-W3074F 01D, 01-W1619B02A
PM603处理器模块部件编号:01-W3114F 10A

艾默生/摩托罗拉MVME1603 / MVME1604系列单板计算机(SBC)是配备PowerPC系列微处理器的双高VMEmodule。MVME1603配备了PowerPC 603微处理器;MVME1604有一个PowerPC 604微处理器。

MVME1603 / MVME1604系列有两个平行分支,基于两个不同版本的基板(MVME1600-001和MVME1600-011)。MVME1600-001与MVME1600-011的区别主要在于I/O处理方面;两个版本的逻辑设计是相同的。

MVME1603 / MVME1604包括:
•MEZLED (MEZLED)提供状态指示灯和复位/中止开关


MVME1603 带有 MVME1600-001 基板、66 MHz、16 MB RAM 的 SBC

The daughtercard on this unit is missing the heatsink.

MVME1600-001 Base Board Configuration:
• Compatible with MVME760 Transition Module

PM603 Processor Module Configuration:
• 66 MHz XPC603 Microprocessor
• 16 MB DRAM
• (2) BIOS Chips Installed

Part Numbers: 01-W3074F 01D, 01-W1619B02A
PM603 Processor Module Part Number: 01-W3114F 10A

Double-High VMEmodule w/PowerPC Microprocessor
PowerPC 603 or 604 Microprocessor
Two Distinct Branches Through the Base Boards
The Emerson / Motorola MVME1603 / MVME1604 Series Single Board Computers (SBC) are a double-high VMEmodule equipped with a PowerPC Series microprocessor. The MVME1603 is equipped with a PowerPC 603 microprocessor; the MVME1604 has a PowerPC 604 microprocessor.

The MVME1603 / MVME1604 family has two parallel branches based on two distinct versions (MVME1600-001 and MVME1600-011) of the base board. The differences between the MVME1600-001 and the MVME1600-011 lie mainly in the area of I/O handling; the logic design is the same for both versions.

An MVME1603 / MVME1604 consists of:
• A MVME1600-001 or MVME1600-011 Base Board
• A processor/memory module (PM603 or PM604) with optional L2 cache
• An LED mezzanine (MEZLED) to supply status indicators and Reset/Abort switches
• An optional PCI mezzanine card (PMC) for additional versatility

Other accessories can be interfaced to these modules including DRAM expansion cards, as well as transition modules (MVME760 for the MVME1600-001 base board, and the MVME712M for the MVME1600-011 base board). These accessories are sold separately.


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