MVME135 32位单板微型计算机
•CPU时钟周期:20.00 MHz
部件编号:01-W3440B 07C, 01-W3440B 07G, 01-W3440B 07H, 01-W3440B 07K, 0754-3142-009, 76435392
子卡部件编号:01-W3443B 02A
产品系列:598-01-37 -1548、5998014371548
●MC68881浮 点协处理器的板载插座(FPCP)
艾默生/摩托罗拉MVME135 / MVME136系列是基于MC68020微处理器的高性能模块,采用VME双高单宽外形。这些模块集成了32位地址和数据微处理器MC68020、高级多处理器CSR和1 Mb或4Mb快速DRAM。提供的其他主要特性包括按需分页内存管理单元(PMMU)、浮点协处理器(FPCP)以及与VMEbus和VSBbus的接口。
MVME135 / MVME136系列设计用于需要快速板载RAM和二级 总线(VSBbus)的应用。该系列的特点包括高性能和优雅的架构。该系列特别适合需要多个处理器的应用,在这些应用中,处理器间通信的效率非常重要。
MVME135 32位单板微型计算机
●MC68020 virtual memory microprocessor with 32-bit address and data
●MC68881 Floating Point Coprocessor on board socket (FPCP)
● Multi-master VME Subsystem Bus (VSBbus) interface
●VMEbus interface
●VMEbus interrupt handler
●Z8036A programmable timer module
● Periodic ticking interrupts
The Emerson/MOTOROLA MVME135 / MVME136 series is a high-performance module based on the MC68020 microprocessor in a VME dual height single width form factor. These modules integrate the 32-bit address and data microprocessor MC68020, advanced multiprocessor CSR, and 1 Mb or 4Mb fast DRAM. Other key features provided include an on-demand paging memory management unit (PMMU), a floating-point coprocessor (FPCP), and interfaces to VMEbus and VSBbus.
The MVME135 / MVME136 series is designed for applications that require fast on-board RAM and secondary bus (VSBbus). Features of the series include high performance and elegant architecture. The series is particularly suitable for applications that require multiple processors, where the efficiency of interprocessor communication is important.
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