LNL-X3300 智能系统控制器(ISC)
lni – x3300智能系统控制器(ISC)是为高级访问控制应用而设计的。作为OnGuard®系统的访问控制引擎,ISC提供电源和功能。ISC可以通过单路或双路以太网配置与主机通信,拨号或直接连接rs -485通信。可配置输入控制模块、输出控制模块和读卡器接口模块的多种组合(最多64个设备)。
利用其原生以太网通信和先进的32位处理器,LNL-X3300可以通过其主以太网端口上游通信到主机,吞吐量比最快的串行连接高8倍。辅助端口可以使用2线RS-485多点,拨号或以太网子板连接以高达115.2 Kbps的速度进行通信。
LNL-3300可以在非易失性闪存中存储多达50万持卡人,并支持对更大的持卡人数据库的选择性下载。两个下游RS-485 2线端口可用于连接多达64个设备(64门),以多种组合的LNL-1100,LNL-1200, LNL-1300, LNL-1320, LNL-500B和LNL-500W模块。
LNL-X3300 智能系统控制器(ISC)
The LNL-X3300 Intelligent System Controller (ISC) by Lenel is designedfor advanced access control applications. As the access control enginefor the OnGuard® system, the ISC provides power and functionality. The ISC can communicate to the host computer in a single- or dualpath configuration of Ethernet, dial-up or direct connect RS-485communication. Multiple combinations of Input Control Modules, OutputControl Modules and Card Reader Interface Modules (up to 64 devices)can be configured.
Utilizing its native Ethernet communications and an advanced 32-bit processor, the LNL-X3300 can communicate upstream to the hostcomputer through its primary Ethernet port, with throughput up to 8times greater than the fastest serial connections. The secondary port cancommunicate at up to 115.2 Kbps using 2-wire RS-485 multidrop, dialup, or an Ethernet daughterboard connection.
The LNL-3300 can store up to 500,000 cardholders in non-volatileflash memory, and supports selective download for larger cardholderdatabases. The two downstream RS-485 2-wire ports can be used toconnect up to 64 devices (64 doors) in many combinations of LNL-1100,LNL-1200, LNL-1300, LNL-1320, LNL-500B, and LNL-500W modules.
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