IC698ACC701 增强型智能电池模块


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IC698ACC701 增强型智能电池模块

IC698ACC701是一款GE(通用电气)生产的辅助智能电池模块,专为Rx7i PACSystem CPU设计。这款模块具有多项显著特性和功能,使其在工业自动化和控制系统中发挥着重要作用。

首先,IC698ACC701模块为Rx7i PACSystem CPU提供扩展RAM备份,确保在电源故障或其他异常情况下,CPU的数据得以保存,从而避免因数据丢失而导致的生产中断或设备故障。


此外,IC698ACC701模块还具有出色的兼容性和扩展性。它兼容于RX3i和Rx7i PACSystem CPU,可以替代任何PACSystem CPU中的标准CPU RAM备用电池模块。这使得用户能够根据实际需求灵活配置系统,满足各种工业自动化应用的需求。



IC698ACC701 增强型智能电池模块

The IC698ACC701 is a GE (General Electric) auxiliary smart battery module designed for the Rx7i PACSystem CPU. This module has a number of notable features and functions that make it play an important role in industrial automation and control systems.

First, the IC698ACC701 module provides extended RAM backup for the Rx7i PACSystem CPU, ensuring that the CPU’s data is preserved in the event of a power failure or other abnormal conditions, thus avoiding production interruptions or equipment failures due to data loss.

Secondly, the module has a built-in battery monitoring circuit, which can alert users when the battery is low and avoid system downtime caused by battery exhaustion. This feature greatly improves the reliability and stability of the system and reduces the maintenance cost.

In addition, the IC698ACC701 module has excellent compatibility and scalability. It is compatible with RX3i and Rx7i PACSystem cpus and can replace the standard CPU RAM backup battery module in any PACSystem CPU. This allows users to flexibly configure the system according to actual needs to meet the needs of various industrial automation applications.

In terms of technical parameters, the IC698ACC701 module consists of 5.1 grams of lithium and 3 batteries, each containing 1.7 grams of lithium. Its maximum battery capacity is 15 amp hours, which guarantees long backup capability. At a storage temperature of 20 degrees Celsius, the standard shelf life is 7 years, ensuring the long-term stability of the module. In addition, the module operates in a temperature range of 0 to 60 degrees Celsius, enabling it to adapt to various industrial environments.

Overall, the IC698ACC701 is a powerful, reliable and stable auxiliary smart battery module for a variety of industrial automation and control systems. Its extended RAM backup, battery monitoring circuitry, and excellent compatibility and scalability make it easy for users to achieve data protection and system optimization, increase productivity and reduce maintenance costs.


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