IC695CHS016 PACSystem RX3i通用背板
IC695CHS016是一款PACSystem RX3i通用背板,以前由GE智能平台(GE IP)生产,现在属于艾默生自动化。该背板有12个插槽,支持安装基于pci的RX3i和系列90-30 I/O和可选模块。它有一个双母线背板,只支持水平安装方向。该背板具有隔离的24VDC输入和额定电流,在3.3 VDC为600 mA,在5 VDC为240 mA。
IC695CHS016的尺寸为23.7 (w) × 5.57 (h) × 5.80 (d)或601.98 (w) × 141.5 (h) × 147.32 (d),功耗为600ma @ 3.3 VDC和240ma @ 5vdc,由RX3i电源提供。该底板还支持模块热插拔,这有助于系统的可用性和易于维护。
IC695CHS016仅支持水平安装。它带有一个端子带,用于隔离24 VDC输入和隔离地的接线。建议至少固定在NEMA/UL Type 1或IP20 (IEC60529)外壳的子面板上。必须遵循最小安装间隙,以允许自然空气冷却。背板两侧的最小安装间隙为102mm或4英寸。
IC695CHS016是一款通用背板,有16个槽位和一个端子带,用于隔离输入。背板由GE发那科制造,是RX3i PACSystem系列工业PLC组件的一部分,背板包括一个串行扩展连接器和一个接地点以及接地排。该背板与基于PCI的IC694线、可选模块和IC695组件的串行I/O组件兼容。IC695CHS016背板需要102毫米(4英寸)的最小间隙才能获得最佳性能,并且适合水平安装。IC695CHS016通用背板的输入电压为+24伏,5伏直流时的内部功率为240毫安,3.3伏直流时的内部功率为600毫安。当安装在机箱内时,背板的防护等级可以从IP 20到IP 54,具体取决于背板的使用位置。
GE IC695CHS016是安装在机架上的机箱背板,其可靠性极高。除上述部件外,IC695CHS016背板还支持cpu、电源、串口扩展模块等部件。应该提到的是,有些组件需要多个插槽,例如交流电源单元需要2个空插槽。这意味着每个单独的插槽可以配置为特定的模块,而像IC695CHS016这样的背板是涉及许多组件的高性能系统的理想平台。背板由耐用材料制成,其外壳尺寸如下:141.4 x 602 x 147.3毫米(5.5 x 23.7 x 5.8英寸)。
IC695CHS016 PACSystem RX3i通用背板
The IC695CHS016 is a PACSystem RX3i Universal backplane that is formerly manufactured by GE Intelligent Platforms (GE IP) now under Emerson Automation. This backplane has Twelve (12) slots and supports installation of PCI-based RX3i and Series 90-30 I/O and option modules. It has a dual-bus backplane and supports horizontal mounting orientation only. This backplane has isolated 24VDC input and current rating of 600 mA at 3.3 VDC, 240 mA at 5 VDC.
The IC695CHS016 is a Sixteen (16) slot universal backplane that is part of the PACsystem RX3i Programmable Automation Controller (PAC) series. This backplane from Emerson Automation is used to host Universal controller and I/O base modules and comes with integral support for Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) and High-speed serial bus, enabling support for RX3i modules as well as the legacy Series 90-30 PLC series.
The IC695CHS016 measures 23.7 (w) x 5.57 (h) x 5.80 (d) or 601.98 (w) x 141.5 (h) x 147.32 (d)) and consumes 600 mA @ 3.3 VDC and 240 mA @ 5 VDC that is supplied by the RX3i power supply. This baseplate also supports hot-swapping of modules, which contributes to the availability of the system and ease of maintenance.
The IC695CHS016 backplane may also be termed as chassis, rack or baseplate by some personnel. Whatever term is used, the IC695CHS016 provides module connectivity to the backplane, power distribution and hosts internal communication of each module. Additionally, this baseplate has the necessary interface for interconnection of local expansion base, allowing additional module to be installed and connect to the same bus that is hosted by the IC695CHS016.
The IC695CHS016 support horizontal mounting only. It comes with a terminal strip for wiring of the isolated 24 VDC input and the isolated ground as well. It is recommended to be fastened to the subpanel of an enclosure rated NEMA/UL Type 1 enclosure or an IP20 rating (IEC60529) at least. Minimum installation clearance must be followed to allow natural air cooling. Required minimum mounting clearance is 102 mm or 4 inches on all sides of the backplane.
The IC695CHS016 backplane is a universal backplane that has 16 slots and a terminal strip for the isolated inputs. The backplane is manufactured by GE Fanuc and it is part of the RX3i PACSystem series of industrial PLC components The backplane includes a connector for serial expansion and a grounding point along with a grounding bar. The backplane is compatible with serial I/O components with from the IC694 line, option modules, and IC695 components which are based on PCI. The IC695CHS016 backplane requires a minimum clearance of 102 millimeters (4 inches) for best performance and it is made for horizontal mounting. The IC695CHS016 universal backplane has an input voltage of +24 Volts and an internal power of 240 milliamps at 5 Volts DC while its internal power is 600 milliamps at 3.3 Volts DC. When installed within an enclosure, the backplane can have a protective rating from IP 20 up to IP 54, depending on where the backplane is used.
The GE IC695CHS016 backplane is made to be installed in a rack and it is extremely reliable if it is installed properly. Besides the previously mentioned component types, the IC695CHS016 backplane accepts components like CPUs, power supply modules, and serial expansion modules. It should be mentioned that there are components that require more than one slot, like an AC power supply unit that requires 2 empty slots. This means that each individual slot can be configured for a specific module and a backplane like the IC695CHS016 backplane is an ideal platform for high-performance systems that involve many components. The backplane is made from durable materials and it has a housing that includes the following dimensions: 141.4 x 602 x 147.3 millimeters (5.5 x 23.7 x 5.8 inches).
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