IC694CHS398 PACSystems™RX3i I/O 提供高性能和高级诊断

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IC694CHS398     PACSystems™RX3i I/O   提供高性能和高级诊断

介绍:PACSystems RX3i系列提供高级诊断和高性能I/O。凭借模块化设计和多种扩展选项,RX3i是您的过程,混合和离散应用的完美I/O解决方案。

模块化、高速性能:RX3i是一个基于机架的系统,具有广泛的模块,涵盖数字,模拟和许多其他专业i /O类型。这些可插拔和热插拔模块允许您定制正确的I/O组合,支持各种电压范围和电流容量,以满足您的所有应用需求。无论您选择哪种I/O组合,RX3i都构建在高速接口上,以提供快速和一致的数据传输。


艾默生PACSystems RX3i为您提供了简单的迁移路径,并提供了从系列90-30、90-70和RX7i等传统系统快速、轻松的升级计划。RX3i允许您在RX3i背板上重用系列90-30模块,因此您可以升级您的I/O系统,而无需干扰电线或购买新的I/O。升级到RX3i提供了改进的通信集成以太网以及现代USB串行或记忆棒。RX3i的外形更小,容量更高,速度比传统控件快100倍以上,是一种简单且经济有效的升级,可以在不中断的情况下保护您的投资。在几小时内升级,而不是几天!

IC694CHS398     PACSystems™RX3i I/O   提供高性能和高级诊断

The PACSystems RX3i family provides advanceddiagnostics and high performance I/O. With a modulardesign and multiple expansion options, RX3i is theperfect I/O solution for your process, hybrid,and discrete applications.

Modular, High-Speed Performance:
RX3i is a rack-based system with a wide range of modulescovering digital, analog, and numerous other specialtyI/O types. These pluggable and hot-swappable modulesallow you to customize the right mix of I/O, with a variety ofvoltage ranges and current capacities supported to meetall your application needs. Regardless of the I/O mix youchoose, RX3i is built on high speed interfaces to providerapid and consistent data transfer.

Highly Scalable:
With the ability to pair I/O, RX3i allows you to scale your system with ease. In addition to I/O that you can puton the main rack, you can expand locally or remotely to connect to additional racks of I/O. In fact, RX3i can support asfew as 8 I/O points and up to 32 thousand I/O points in a single system. With 7 to 16 slot backplanes and 1 slot expansionoptions, you can create the perfect system to fit your needs.

Perfect Upgrade Path:
Emerson PACSystems RX3i gives you a simple migration path and offers a quick and painless upgrade plan fromlegacy systems like Series 90-30, 90-70, and RX7i. RX3i allows you to re-use Series 90-30 modules on RX3i backplanes,so you can upgrade your I/O system without disturbing wires or buying new I/O. Upgrading to RX3i provides improvedcommunications with integrated Ethernet along with modern USB for serial or memory sticks. With a smaller form factor,higher capacity, and speeds over 100 times faster than legacy controls, RX3i is an easy and cost effective upgrade toprotect your investment without disruption. Upgrade in hours, not days!


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