H006.7538 PAM-R1N-H8F-AP-P V10800 SOCAPEL 母线差动保护
母线差动保护是保证电网安全稳定运行的重要系统设备,H006.7538 PAM-R1N-H8F-AP-P V10800的安全性、可靠性、灵敏性和快速性对保证整个区域电网的安全具有决定性的意义。
母线差动保护H006.7538 PAM-R1N-H8F-AP-P V10800的动作时间较慢,约有30-40毫秒的动作延时,不能快速切除故障。如果启动元件和选择元件的动作电流按避越外部短路时的最大不平衡电流整定,其灵敏度较低。因此,它适应运行方式变化的能力较差。
H006.7538 PAM-R1N-H8F-AP-P V10800 SOCAPEL 母线差动保护
Busbar differential protection is an important system equipment to ensure the safe and stable operation of power grid. The safety, reliability, sensitivity and rapid-speed of H006.7538 PAM-R1N-H8F-AP-P V10800 are of decisive significance to ensure the safety of the entire regional power grid.
The basic principle of busbar differential protection is based on Kirchhoff’s current law. For a bus system, there are n branches on the bus. I=I₁+I₂+I₃+…… +Iₙ, is the sum current flowing into the bus, that is, the differential current protected by the bus. When the system runs normally or an external fault occurs, the sum of the current flowing into the bus is zero, that is, the differential current of the bus differential protection, and the bus protection does not operate. When a busbar fails, it is equal to the current flowing into the fault point, and if it is greater than the operating current set by the busbar protection, the busbar protection will operate.
The complete differential protection of the busbar is to connect the current transformer of all the connected components on the busbar to the differential circuit according to the same phase and the same polarity. The characteristics and ratio of the current transformer should be the same. If the ratio cannot be the same, compensation converters can be used to compensate, meeting the ΣI=0. In addition, there is incomplete differential protection of the bus, which only needs to connect the current transformer on each power component of the bus to the differential circuit, and the current transformer on the non-power component does not connect to the differential circuit.
Busbar differential protection H006.7538 PAM-R1N-H8F-AP-P V10800 operation time is slow, about 30-40 milliseconds of action delay, can not quickly remove the fault. If the operating current of the starting element and the selecting element is adjusted according to the maximum unbalance current when avoiding the external short circuit, the sensitivity is low. As a result, it is less able to adapt to changes in the way it operates.
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