DSDX451L 伺服电机

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  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


DSDX451L 伺服电机

DSM 系列电机是一款高性能高质量的伺服电机,该电机具有宽泛的额定功率范围和及丰富的转矩输出。全系电机提供 4 种标准法兰尺寸,通过使用 ABB 提供的标准电缆,可与 E530 伺服驱动器搭配构成完整的伺服系统。



  • 功率范围覆盖 50 W ~ 2 kW,满足大部分的应用场合
  • 提供抱闸、编码器及油封的多种选项,为客户应用提供灵活的选择
  • 全功率段支持 300% 过载,电机最高转速可达 6000 rpm,满足高动态响应应用需求
  • 5 对极设计,有效降低齿槽转矩
  • 高达 23 位的编码器高分辨率,提供更高的定位精度

DSDX451L 伺服电机

The DSM series motor is a high performance, high quality servo motor with a wide rated power range and rich torque output. The whole motor is available in 4 standard flange sizes and can be combined with the E530 servo drive to form a complete servo system by using the standard cable supplied by ABB.


Product characteristics

The power range covers 50 W ~ 2 kW for most applications
Multiple options for lock, encoder and oil seal provide flexibility for customer applications
The full power segment supports 300% overload, and the maximum motor speed can reach 6000 rpm to meet the needs of high dynamic response applications
5 polar design, effectively reduce the groove torque
Up to 23-bit encoders with high resolution provide higher positioning accuracy


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