DNC115 SIGMATEK 高性能数字控制器
DNC115 SIGMATEK 高性能数字控制器
The DNC115 is a high-performance, highly reliable numerical control system designed for modern industrial automation applications. This product combines high-precision measurement, powerful control logic and an easy-to-use user interface to provide precise control and monitoring of a wide range of industrial processes.
The DNC115 is suitable for a variety of manufacturing scenarios requiring precise control and intelligent management, including but not limited to temperature control, pressure regulation, level control, speed control, etc. It is widely used in chemical, pharmaceutical, food processing, water treatment, energy management and other industries. In addition, DNC115 also supports a variety of communication protocols, such as Modbus, EtherNet/IP, etc., in order to facilitate data exchange and control with other devices or systems.
The specific parameters of the DNC115, such as input/output type, operating voltage, and current, depend on the model and application scenario. In any case, SIGMATEK is committed to providing its customers with high quality, reliability and innovative products to meet their special needs.
Overall, the DNC115 is a powerful and widely used CNC system that has made an important contribution to the development of industrial automation and control.
IC693PWR321Z GE标准电源模块 | UAC389AE01 HIEE300888R0001 ABB模拟输入模块 |
IC693CMM311 GE通信协处理器模块 | VM600 RPS6U 200-582-500-013振动计机架电源 |
FANUC Alpha系列放大器(伺服放大器单元) | LD800HSE 3BDH000320R0101基金会现场总线连接设备 |
fanuc伺服放大器模块aisv 80 /用于30i-b系列1轴 | PM858-C 3BSE093350R1处理器单元ABB |
UNITROL 1000 B-Z V104 3BHE014557R6104无刷励磁系统 | 电源单元(inpower – t) Delta Tau UMAC电源单元 |
190501 Velomitor CT速度传感器 | HWA143-TDM-PMC-V20 GE控制板插卡 |
330901-00-70- 02- cn Bently Nevada 3300 NSv接近探头 | ESM10A GE控制板插卡 |
intelliscan14 – 1064nm SCANLAB智能扫描头 | VG5SK8I052311 PM0N2000 GE控制板插卡 |
IS200TSVCH2AED MRP246517 GE Mark VI印刷电路板 | ITM11A8XJ036645 GE主控板插卡 |
IS200TSVCH2ADC MRP061873 GE Mark VI印刷电路板 | PXIe-2524 NI Multibank可配置1线复用器 |
REU615 HBUAEAADANB6ANN1XG ABB电压保护和控制 | 2198-D020-ERS4艾伦布拉德利以太网/IP伺服驱动器 |
IS210BPPBH2CAA GE Mark VI涡轮控制系统 | IC694MDL660 GE组件模块 |
IS200SPROH1AAB MRP663860 GE PPRO端子板 | IC694MDL754 GE高密度离散输出模块 |
XVC768101 3BHB007211R101控制面板模块ABB | 伍德沃德l系列集成发动机控制系统 |
LDMUI-01控制主板ABB | MPL- a1530u – ej74aa艾伦布拉德利MPL系列低惯量伺服电机 |
1900/65A-00-04-01-00-00通用设备监视器内华达州本特利 | PXIE-4144四通道源测量单元(SMU) |
LDMTR-01控制主板ABB | UT35A-001-11-00横河通用温度控制器 |
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Chengdu Sunshine Xihe Co., Ltd. specializes in one-stop procurement consulting for imported industrial spare parts, offering original equipment and professional discontinued parts services. We are committed to providing efficient and reliable automation solutions for our customers. Customer support fast responseThe network of partners spans all continentsGlobal partner networkAlways achieve more delivery, be it parts, service or speed