57C554 Shark接口模块

57C554是一款AutoMax远程I/O Shark接口模块。该模块最初由Reliance Electric制造,ABB和Baldor Reliance一度可能制造过。这张卡不再生产,可以有点难找到。AX控制确实尽一切努力确保它作为翻新或新的剩余部分保留在库存中。这个模块也可以在零件号0-57554下找到。

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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


57C554 Shark接口模块

57C554是一款AutoMax远程I/O Shark接口模块。该模块最初由Reliance Electric制造,ABB和Baldor Reliance一度可能制造过。这张卡不再生产,可以有点难找到。AX控制确实尽一切努力确保它作为翻新或新的剩余部分保留在库存中。这个模块也可以在零件号0-57554下找到。

57C554用于将Shark远程机架连接到AutoMax远程I/O网络。它可以使用内置的微处理器连接到Shark远程机架的背板,该微处理器可以帮助实现基本的缓冲电路和定时。该卡上逻辑电路的电源由它所连接的机架提供。电源额定为+ 5vdc。有一个不同的电源,额定为+24 VDC,调节为+12 VDC,安装在机架上用于模块的I/O网络。

这张小卡片的面板上有一些东西。有两个绿色LED指示灯,分别标识为CPU OK和COM OK。在面板的中心有一个下降的数字拨号。这张卡也有一个母RS-232 9针d壳串行连接端口,标记为网络。面板上有两个小夹子,用于帮助卡从机架存储设备上安装和拆卸。



57C554 Shark接口模块

Product Description
The 57C554 is an AutoMax Remote I/O Shark Interface Module. This module was initially made by Reliance Electric and had at one point been possibly manufactured by ABB and Baldor Reliance. This card is no longer in production and can be a little hard to find. AX Control does make every effort to ensure that it is kept in stock as either a refurbished or new surplus part. This module can also be found under the part number 0-57554.

The 57C554 is used to connect a Shark remote rack to the AutoMax Remote I/O Network. It can interface to a Shark remote rack’s backplane using a built-in microprocessor that helps with basic buffer circuitry and timing. The power for the logic circuitry on this card is provided by the rack it is attached to. The power supply is rated +5 VDC. There is a different power supply that is rated +24 VDC and regulated at +12 VDC that is mounted onto the rack for the module’s I/O network.

This small card has a few things on its faceplate. It has two green LED indicators that are labeled CPU OK and COM OK. There is a drop number dial in the center of the faceplate. This card also has a female RS-232 9-Pin d-shell serial connection port that is labeled network. There are two small clips on the faceplate that are used to help mount and remove the card from the rack storage device.

Only a trained professional should attempt to mount this card into a Shark Remote Card Rack Assembly.


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  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层