3HAC025562-001/06 电容器是电子设备中大量使用的电子元件之一
电容器是电子设备中大量使用的电子元件之一,3HAC025562-001/06 具有容纳电荷的本领。在电路学里,电容器在一定电势差(1U)下,电容器的存电荷的能力,称为电容,标记为C。其国际单位是法拉(F)。
电容器一般有电解电容、固体电容等类型。此外,3HAC025562-001/06 任何两个彼此绝缘且相隔很近的导体(包括导线)间都构成一个电容器。电容与电容器不同,电容为基本物理量,符号C,单位为F(法拉)。 电容的符号是C。
3HAC025562-001/06 电容器是电子设备中大量使用的电子元件之一
Capacitor is one of the electronic components widely used in electronic equipment, 3HAC025562-001/06 has the ability to hold charge. In circuitry, the ability of a capacitor to store charge under a certain potential difference (1U) is called capacitance and is labeled C. Its international unit is the farad (F).
Capacitors are often referred to as capacitors for their ability to hold charge and are represented by the letter C. The basic unit of capacitance is farad (F), and the letter C is commonly used in the circuit diagram to represent the capacitor element. Capacitor is one of the electronic components widely used in electronic equipment, widely used in straight separation, coupling, bypass, filter, tuning loop, energy conversion, control circuit and so on.
Capacitors generally have electrolytic capacitors, solid capacitors and other types. In addition, 3HAC025562-001/06 Any two conductors (including wires) that are insulated from each other and are very close together constitute a capacitor. Capacitors are different from capacitors, capacitors are basic physical quantities, symbol C, unit F (farad). The symbol for the capacitor is C.
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