350092-02-01-CN 通信网关模块
350092-02-01-CN通信网关模块提供所有机架监控值和状态的广泛通信能力,用于使用以太网TCP/IP和串行(RS232/RS422/RS485)通信能力与过程控制和其他自动化系统集成。它还允许以太网通信与3500 RackConfiguration软件和数据采集软件。
支持的协议包括:l Modbus协议(通过串行通信)l Modbus/TCP协议(用于TCP/IP以太网通信的串行Modbus的一种变体)l专有的Bently Nevada协议(用于与3500机架配置和数据采集软件包通信)
350092-02-01-CN 通信网关模块
The 350092-02-01-CN Communication Gateway module providesextensive communication capabilities of all rack monitoredvalues and statuses for integration with process control andother automation systems using both Ethernet TCP/IP andserial (RS232/RS422/RS485) communications capabilities. Italso permits Ethernet communications with 3500 RackConfiguration Software and Data Acquisition Software.
Supported protocols include:l Modicon Modbus protocol (via serial communications)l Modbus/TCP protocol (a variant of serial Modbus usedfor TCP/IP Ethernet communications)l Proprietary Bently Nevada protocol (forcommunication with 3500 Rack Configuration andData Acquisition Software packages)
The Ethernet connection to the 350092-02-01-CN is an RJ45connection for 10BASE-T star configuration Ethernetnetworks.
The 350092-02-01-CN supports the communication interfaces,communication protocols, and other features from theoriginal 3500/90 with the exception of the primary valueModbus registers. The 3500/92 now has a ConfigurableModbus Register Utility, which can provide the samefunctionality originally addressed by the primary valueModbus registers.
HDS02.2-W040N-HS12-01-FW力士乐驱动器控制器 | 1769-OF8V Allen-Bradley可编程控制器模块 |
hds3.3.2 – w100n – hs32 -01- fw力士乐驱动器控制器 | 横河AAI141模拟输入模块 |
hds3.3.2 – w100n – ht01 -01- fw力士乐驱动器控制器 | 330103-00-04-10-02-05 Bently Nevada 3300 XL 8毫米接近探头 |
HDS04.2-W200N-HT01-01-FW力士乐驱动器控制器 | Allen-Bradley Kinetix 5700双轴伺服驱动器 |
HDS04.2-W200N-HS32-01-FW力士乐驱动器控制器 | Allen-Bradley集成轴模块 |
HDS05.2-W300N-HT46-01-FW力士乐驱动器控制器 | 1756-OF8A艾伦布拉德利模拟输出模块 |
140no78000施耐德以太网DIO网络模块 | 1756-IF8A Allen-Bradley 8通道电压/电流输入 |
1756-OF6CI艾伦-布拉德利隔离模拟输出模块与电流回路 | 1606-XLB240E艾伦-布拉德利基本开关模式电源 |
MPL- b890c – mj74aa艾伦布拉德利MPL系列低惯量旋转伺服电机 | 5069- l306er Allen-Bradley八(8)5069 I/O模块 |
Allen-Bradley双轴Kinetix伺服驱动器 | 16(16)直流输出通道 |
1769-IF4XOF2艾伦布拉德利紧凑型I/O模块 | 1788-EN2DNR Allen-Bradley以太网I/P到DeviceNet连接设备 |