350062-04-R0 过程变量监控器
350062-04-R0过程变量监控器是一个6通道 监控器用于加工机床关键参数的优点持续监测,如压力、流量、温度和水平。显示器接受+ 4至+ 20 mA电流输入或-10之间的任何比例电压输入Vdc和+ 10 Vdc。它调节这些信号并进行比较条件信号用户可编程报警定位点。
你可以使用3500机架编程3500/62组态软件执行电流或电压测量。3500/62提供三个I/O模块信号 输入场景:+/-10伏DC,隔离4- 20ma,或4-20毫安本质安全齐纳屏障。内部屏障I/O提供外接电源输入端子提供本质安全电源4-20 mA传感器当用于三模冗余(TMR)时配置时,必须安装过程变量监控器彼此相邻,每三人一组。在这里使用时配置时,监视器采用两种投票方式确保操作准确,避免机械损耗单点故障保护。
350062-04-R0 过程变量监控器
The 350062-04-R0 Process Variable Monitor is a 6-channel monitor for continuous monitoring of machining machine key parameters such as pressure, flow, temperature and level. The display accepts + 4 to + 20 mA current input
Input voltage of any proportion between -10 or Vdc and + 10 Vdc. It adjusts these signals and compares conditional signals to user programmable alarm anchor points.
350062-04-R0 Display:
| Continuously compare Monitoring parameters to drive the alarm mechanical protection based on the configured alarm Settings. Provide basic machine information to both operators and maintenance personnel.
You can use 3500 rack programming 3500/62 configuration software to perform current or voltage measurements. The 3500/62 offers three I/O module signal input scenarios :+/-10 volt DC, isolation 4-20 mA, or a 4-20 mA intrinsically safe Zener barrier. Internal barrier I/O Supply External power supply Input terminals provide inherently safe power supply 4-20 mA sensors When configured for three-mode redundancy (TMR), process variable monitors must be installed next to each other in groups of three. When configured for use here, the monitor uses two voting methods to ensure accurate operation and avoid mechanical wear and single point of failure protection.
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