350040M-01-00 四通道监视器

3500400m -01-00 Proximitor Monitor是一种四通道监视器,可接受来自Bently Nevada接近传感器的输入,调节信号以提供各种振动和位置测量,并将调节信号与用户可编程警报进行比较。用户可以使用3500 RackConfiguration软件对3500/ 40m的每个通道进行编程。

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


350040M-01-00 四通道监视器

3500400m -01-00 Proximitor Monitor是一种四通道监视器,可接受来自Bently Nevada接近传感器的输入,调节信号以提供各种振动和位置测量,并将调节信号与用户可编程警报进行比较。用户可以使用3500 RackConfiguration软件对3500/ 40m的每个通道进行编程。

3500400m -01-00比邻仪的主要用途是提供以下功能:




350040M-01-00 四通道监视器

The 350040M-01-00 Proximitor Monitor is a four-channel monitorthat accepts input from Bently Nevada proximity transducers,conditions the signal to provide various vibration andposition measurements, and compares the conditionedsignals with user-programmable alarms. The user canprogram each channel of the 3500/40M with the 3500 RackConfiguration Software.

The primary purpose of the 350040M-01-00 Proximitor Monitor is toprovide the following:

l Machinery protection by continuously comparingmonitored parameters against configured alarmsetpoints to drive alarms.

Essential machine information for both operations andmaintenance personnel:
Each channel, depending on configuration, typicallyconditions its input signal to generate various parameterscalled static values. You can configure alert setpoints foreach active static value and danger setpoints for any two ofthe active static values.

You program the monitor channels in pairs.  Themonitor channels can perform up to 2 of thesefunctions at a time. Channels 1 and 2 can performone function, while channels 3 and 4 performanother (or the same) function.


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