330850-90-05 25毫米传感器系统


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330780-91-00 8mm接近传感器系统






通用交流电源和PIM(电源输入模块)不兼容Legacy 3500交流电源、高压交流PIM和低压交流PIM。


330780-91-00 8mm接近传感器系统

The 350015-02-00-00 AC and DC Power Supplies are half-height modules andmust be installed in designated slots on the left side of the rack. The3500 rack can contain one or two power supplies with any combinationsof AC and DC. Either supply can power a full rack.

When two power supplies are installed in a rack, the one in the lowerslot acts as the primary supply, and the other in the upper slot acts asthe backup supply. If installed, the second supply is the backup for theprimary one.

Removing or inserting either power supply module does not disruptoperation of the rack as long as a second power supply is installed.

The 350015-02-00-00 AC and DC Power Supplies accepts a wide range of inputvoltages and converts them to voltages acceptable for use by other3500 modules. The following power supplies are available with the 3500Series Machinery Protection System:

l Universal AC Powerl
High Voltage DC Power Supplyl
Low Voltage DC Power Supply

The Universal AC Power Supply and PIM (Power Input Module)are not compatible with the Legacy 3500 AC Power Supply,High Voltage AC PIM and Low Voltage AC PIM.

The High Voltage and Low Voltage DC Power Supplies andPIM(Power Input Module) are NOT compatible with the Legacy3500 High Voltage and Low Voltage DC Power Supplies andPIMs.


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