330101-00-32-10-02-05 Proximitor传感器
330101-00-32-10-02-05 8毫米系统在我们的涡流接近传感器系统中提供了最先进的性能。标准330101-00-32-10-02-05 8毫米5米系统也完全符合美国石油协会(API) 670标准(第4版)的机械配置,线性范围,精度和温度稳定性。所有3300 XL 8毫米近距离传感器系统都提供这种性能水平,并支持探头、延长电缆和Proximitor传感器的完全互换性,无需匹配或工作台校准单个组件。
每个3300 XL 8mm传感器系统组件向后兼容和可互换4与其他非XL 3300系列5mm和8mm传感器系统组件5。这种兼容性包括3300 5毫米探头,适用于8毫米探头对可用安装空间太大的应用6,7。
330101-00-32-10-02-05 Proximitor传感器与以前的设计相比有许多改进。它的物理包装允许您在高密度的DINrail安装中使用它。您还可以将传感器安装在传统的面板安装配置中,其中它与旧的proximitor传感器设计共享相同的4孔安装“足迹”。安装基地的任何一个选项提供电气隔离,并消除了需要单独的隔离板。3300XL Proximitor传感器对射频干扰具有高度免疫力,可以将其安装在玻璃纤维外壳中,而不会对附近的射频信号产生不利影响。330101-00-32-10-02-05 Proximitor传感器改进的RFI/EMI抗扰性满足欧洲CE标志认证,无需特殊屏蔽导体金属外壳,从而降低了安装成本和复杂性。
330101-00-32-10-02-05 Proximitor传感器
The system provides an output voltage that is directly proportional to thedistance between the probe tip and the observed conductive surface and canmeasure both static (position) and dynamic (vibration) values. The system’sprimary applications are vibration and position measurements on fluid-filmbearing machines, as well as Keyphasor* reference and speed measurements3.
The 330101-00-32-10-02-05 8 mm system delivers the most advanced performance in our eddycurrent proximity transducer systems. The standard 330101-00-32-10-02-05 8 mm 5-metresystem also fully complies with the American Petroleum Institute’s (API) 670Standard (4th Edition) for mechanical configuration, linear range, accuracy, andtemperature stability. All 3300 XL 8 mm proximity transducer systems providethis level of performance and support complete interchangeability of probes,extension cables, and Proximitor sensors, eliminating the need to match orbench calibrate individual components.
Each 3300 XL 8 mm Transducer System component is backward-compatible andinterchangeable4 with other non-XL 3300 series 5 mm and 8 mm transducersystem components5. This compatibility includes the 3300 5 mm probe, forapplications in which an 8 mm probe is too large for the available mountingspace6,7.
Proximitor Sensor
The 330101-00-32-10-02-05 Proximitor Sensor incorporates numerous improvements overprevious designs. Its physical packaging allows you to use it in high-density DINrail installations. You can also mount the sensor in a traditional panel mountconfiguration, where it shares an identical 4-hole mounting “footprint” with olderProximitor Sensor designs. The mounting base for either option provideselectrical isolation and eliminates the need for separate isolator plates. The 3300XL Proximitor Sensor is highly immune to radio frequency interference, allowingyou to install it in fiberglass housings without adverse effects from nearby radiofrequency signals. The 330101-00-32-10-02-05 Proximitor Sensor’s improved RFI/EMI immunitysatisfies European CE mark approvals without requiring special shielded conduitor metallic housings, resulting in lower installation costs and complexity.
The 330101-00-32-10-02-05’s SpringLoc terminal strips require no special installation tools andfacilitate faster, more robust field wiring connections by eliminating screw-typeclamping mechanisms that can loosen.
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