2711R-T7T 供键盘或触摸屏选件以便操作员输入
2711R-T7T 是一款罗克韦尔自动化(Rockwell Automation)的HMI(人机界面)触摸屏型号。这款触摸屏是 PanelView 800 图形终端的一部分,属于面板安装型显示设备,提供键盘或触摸屏选件以便操作员输入。
具体来说,2711R-T7T 触摸屏具有7英寸的显示屏,并且包含高性能处理器、高分辨率显示器以及高速闪存和动态内存。它还内置了以太网和串行通信端口,以支持各种网络连接。这款触摸屏通常与罗克韦尔的PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)和其他自动化设备一起使用,以实现工业自动化和控制。
2711R-T7T 供键盘或触摸屏选件以便操作员输入
The 2711R-T7T is a Rockwell Automation HMI (Human Machine Interface) touchscreen model. The touch screen is part of the PanelView 800 graphics terminal, a panel mounted display that offers a keyboard or touch screen option for operator input.
Specifically, the 2711R-T7T touch screen has a 7-inch display and contains a high-performance processor, high-resolution display, and high-speed flash and dynamic memory. It also has built-in Ethernet and serial communication ports to support various network connections. This touch screen is commonly used with Rockwell PLC (Programmable logic Controller) and other automation equipment for industrial automation and control.
Because the 2711R-T7T is a Rockwell Automation product, it has a high degree of reliability and stability, suitable for a variety of industrial environments and application scenarios. In addition, because Rockwell Automation is a leading global provider of industrial automation solutions, its products and services are widely used and recognized worldwide.
It is important to note that specific prices, specifications and features may vary by vendor and region. Therefore, when selecting and using the 2711R-T7T touch screen, it is recommended to contact a professional supplier or system integrator for more detailed information and technical support.
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Dsdx404 57160001- I/O单元abb | PM630 3BSE000434R1处理器模块ABB |
DSPC170 57310001-GL mp200处理器模块ABB | PM632 3BSE005831R1处理器单元ABB |
DO630 3BHT300007R1 ABB数字输出16Ch 250VAC隔离 | IC693CPU372 GE TCP I/P以太网通信接口 |
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Dsqc354底座连接abb | MVI69-MNET ProSoft Modbus TCP/IP通信模块 |
DSQC602 3HAC12816-1/07 ABB机器人公司卡 | PLX31-MBTCP-MBS4 ProSoft Modbus TCP/IP到Modbus串口网关 |
3HAC12934-1 ABB客户I/O PS DSQC608 | MVI69-MCM ProSoft Modbus网络接口模块 |
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