1756-PAR2 冗余电源系统
1756-PAR2 冗余电源系统
The redundant power supply system provides additional uptime protection for chassis that are used in critical applications. The two remotely mounted supplies aredesigned to share the current required by the chassis. Two supplies are available in AC (catalog number 1756-PA75R/A or 1756-PAXTR) and DC (catalog number 1756-PB75R/A or 1756-PAR2) versions that can be mixed or matched when used in tandem.
If one power supply fails, the remaining supply accommodates the entire load of the chassis without disruption to chassis activity. The ControlLogix® redundant powersupply system is designed to account for operational anomalies in only the power supply (the chassis adapter and power supply cables are excluded)
The 1756-PAR2 chassis adapter is a passive device. The chassis adapter funnels power from one or two ControlLogix redundant power supplies to the single powerconnector on the ControlLogix chassis backplane.
HDS02.2-W040N-HS12-01-FW力士乐驱动器控制器 | 1769-OF8V Allen-Bradley可编程控制器模块 |
hds3.3.2 – w100n – hs32 -01- fw力士乐驱动器控制器 | 横河AAI141模拟输入模块 |
hds3.3.2 – w100n – ht01 -01- fw力士乐驱动器控制器 | 330103-00-04-10-02-05 Bently Nevada 3300 XL 8毫米接近探头 |
HDS04.2-W200N-HT01-01-FW力士乐驱动器控制器 | Allen-Bradley Kinetix 5700双轴伺服驱动器 |
HDS04.2-W200N-HS32-01-FW力士乐驱动器控制器 | Allen-Bradley集成轴模块 |
HDS05.2-W300N-HT46-01-FW力士乐驱动器控制器 | 1756-OF8A艾伦布拉德利模拟输出模块 |
140no78000施耐德以太网DIO网络模块 | 1756-IF8A Allen-Bradley 8通道电压/电流输入 |
1756-OF6CI艾伦-布拉德利隔离模拟输出模块与电流回路 | 1606-XLB240E艾伦-布拉德利基本开关模式电源 |
MPL- b890c – mj74aa艾伦布拉德利MPL系列低惯量旋转伺服电机 | 5069- l306er Allen-Bradley八(8)5069 I/O模块 |
Allen-Bradley双轴Kinetix伺服驱动器 | 16(16)直流输出通道 |
1769-IF4XOF2艾伦布拉德利紧凑型I/O模块 | 1788-EN2DNR Allen-Bradley以太网I/P到DeviceNet连接设备 |