125744-01 机架接口模块
机架接口模块RIM (Rack Interface Module)是125744-01rack的主接口。它支持用于配置机架和检索机械信息的专有协议。该im必须位于机柜的1号槽位(靠近电源)。
RIM支持兼容的Bently Nevada外部通信处理器,如TDXnet、TDIX和DDIX。虽然RIM提供了整个机架共同的某些功能,但RIM不是关键监控路径的一部分,对整个监控系统的正常运行没有影响。每个机架需要一个RIM。
对于TMR (Triple Modular redundancy)应用,125744-01系统需要TMR版本的RIM。除了所有标准的RIM功能外,TMR RIM还执行“监控通道比较”。3500 TMR配置使用监视器选项中指定的设置实现监视器投票。使用这种方法,TMR RIM不断比较三(3)冗余监视器的输出。如果TMR RIM检测到来自其中一个监视器的信息不再在其他两个监视器信息的配置百分比内,它将标记监视器出错并在系统事件列表中放置一个事件
125744-01 机架接口模块
The Rack Interface Module (RIM) is the primary interface to the125744-01rack. It supports a proprietary protocol used toconfigure the rack and retrieve machinery information. TheRIM must be located in slot 1 of the rack (next to the powersupplies).
The RIM supports compatible Bently Nevada externalcommunications processors such as TDXnet, TDIX, and DDIX. While the RIM provides certain functions common to theentire rack, the RIM is not part of the critical monitoring pathand has no effect on the proper, normal operation of theoverall monitoring system. One RIM is required per rack.
For Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) applications, the 125744-01 System requires a TMR version of the RIM. In addition to all thestandard RIM functions, the TMR RIM also performs “monitorchannel comparison.” The 3500 TMR configurationimplements monitor voting using the setup specified in themonitor options. Using this method, the TMR RIM continuallycompares the outputs from three (3) redundant monitors. Ifthe TMR RIM detects that the information from one of thosemonitors is no longer within a configured percentof theinformation of the other two monitors, it will flag that themonitor is in error and place an event in the System Event List
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